2023 Emmaus House Freedom School Campaign

Fundraising, Digital Campaign

The Emmaus House Freedom School is a summer literacy program that prioritizes culturally relevant curricula and intergenerational support for underserved youth in Atlanta. In 2023, the annual fundraising campaign took place May 30 - June 11 and consisted primarily of organic MarCom (email and social media) with some paid social ads.

The theme we developed for this year’s campaign was “Love of Reading,” which utilized statistics and storytelling to showcase the ways in which the program goes beyond mere literacy training, empowering youth and families to discover inspiration and impact their communities.

Results & Impact

The goal for this campaign was to raise $23,000. We succeeded in raising $53,602. The donation page received 856 visits, and our MarCom efforts reached 46K people in the Atlanta area. We exceeded our fundraising goal, but just as importantly, by expanding awareness, we created new channels of support for this critical institution.

This graphic of declares the final 24 hours of a campaign, which uses urgency.
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